Diamine Golden Brown


NameGolden Brown
Owner count193
Average Color

Colors for this ink


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Ink Review #103: Diamine Golden Brown — Mountain of Ink
mountainofink.com | Kelli McCown
Ink review of Diamine Golden Brown.
Diamine Golden Brown
Manufacturers since 1864, Diamine Inks relocated to this purpose built ‘state of the art’ factory in Liverpool in 1925, where they successfully carried on using the traditional methods …
Ink Review: Diamine "Golden Brown" Ink
www.youtube.com | VittaR
Here I review an ink by Diamine, by the title of "Golden Brown" (a light Brown ink, with noticable shading, incredibly uninteresting color, and barely-wet fl...
Diamine Golden Brown
www.youtube.com | An Ink Guy
Here I review Diamine Golden Brown. It is a Green-Brown ink. I compare it to 365 other inks tested on its viscosity and dry time, results are shown on a bell...
Ink Review: Diamine Golden Brown fountain pen ink — Inky Inspirations
www.inkyinspirations.com | Rick Knorr
An ink review of Diamine Golden Brown fountain pen ink from the standard line.

Names for this ink

185DiamineGolden Brown
2DiamineStandardGolden Brown
1Diamine150th AnniversaryGolden Brown
1Diaminegolden brown
1DiamineFlowersGolden Brown
1DiamineGuitar InkGolden Brown
1DiamineBrownGolden Brown
1DiamineGolden brown