Robert Oster Red Candy


BrandRobert Oster
NameRed Candy
Owner count128
Average Color

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Ink Review #786: Robert Oster Red Candy — Mountain of Ink | Kelli McCown
Ink review of Robert Oster Red Candy.
Robert Oster - Red Candy - Ink Profile - Ink Flight 27 Series | Chris Saenz
Secret Ink #3 is a beautiful deep red from the April 2019 #inkflightbox from Ink Journal! It is a nice deep saturated color and it seems very readable even in a fine nib. It falls somewhere bet...

Names for this ink

116Robert OsterRed Candy
8Robert OsterSignatureRed Candy
2Robert OsterGet.set.GORed Candy
1Robert OsterClassicRed Candy
1Robert OsterSignature InkRed Candy